Breakthrough products for peripheral interventional treatment

In an era of chronic healthcare workforce shortages and a growing burden of care, new medical devices should enable improved efficacy and productivity of care while minimizing complexity of use. Breakthroughs are needed—not simply incremental improvements.

This is the spirit that guides our development of peripheral interventional products.

Pounce™ Thrombectomy System

Clearing arterial clots using traditional methods can be time-consuming and ineffective against older thrombus.1,2 The Pounce™ Thrombectomy system uses dual-basket technology to remove acute or chronic arterial clot on the spot—now including below the knee with the Pounce™ LP System.

3.5–6mm vessel diameter
Suitable for removal of femoral-popliteal, upper extremity, mesenteric, and other arterial thrombi and emboli

2–4mm vessel diameter
Suitable for removal of below-the-knee arterial thrombi and emboli

“We promptly removed acute
and subacute thrombus from
the mid-peroneal artery below
the knee with no adjunctive
use of thrombolytics and no

Dr. Lucas Ferrer Cardona
Vascular Surgeon
Dell Seton Medical Center
Austin, TX

SFA before (above)
and after (right) Pounce™ Thrombectomy

BTK vessels before
(above) and after
(right) Pounce™ LP Thrombectomy


  1. The STILE Investigators. Results of a prospective randomized trial evaluating surgery versus thrombolysis for ischemia of the lower extremity: the STILE trial. Ann Surg. 1994;220:251-268.
  2. de Donato G, Pasqui E, Sponza M, et al. Safety and efficacy of vacuum assisted thrombo-aspiration in patients with acute lower extremity ischemia: the INDIAN trial. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2021;61:820-828.

Disclosures Dr. Ferrer Cardona is a consultant for Becton Dickinson, Penumbra, and Surmodics.

Pounce™ Venous Thrombectomy System

To remove iliofemoral venous clots, most interventionalists choose between suction or mechanical devices. The Pounce™ Venous Thrombectomy system uses a dynamic, fully collapsible basket to remove wall-adherent clot while extracting the clot from within the basket.

10 Fr

Pounce™ Venous Thrombectomy System

Dual-action technology capable of removing wall-adherent thrombus in a single session without the need for thrombolytics.

“Wow, that’s a clean vein.”

Dr. Brandon Repko
Interventional Radiologist
Butler Memorial Hospital
Butler, PA

Fem-pop venous thrombus before (left) and after (right) treatment with the Pounce™ Venous Thrombectomy System

Dr. Repko is not a consultant for Surmodics.

Sublime™ Radial Access Platform

Radial access reduces complications and patient stays while improving patient satisfaction.1,2 The Sublime™ radial access platform makes radial-to-peripheral treatment of peripheral artery disease (PAD) practical, not just possible with a full suite of radial-purposed tools designed to deliver robust kink resistance, torque, and crossability.3

Go wrist to foot—with confidence.

Crossing the pedal loop and up the contralateral tibial artery with the 250 cm Sublime™ Radial Access .014” RX PTA Dilatation Catheter


  1. Mason PJ, Shah B, Tamis-Holland JE, et al. An update on radial artery access and best practices for transradial coronary angiography and intervention in acute coronary syndrome: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2018;11(9):e000035.
  2. Cooper CJ, El-Shiekh RA, Cohen DJ, et al. Effect of transradial access on quality of life and cost of cardiac catheterization: a randomized comparison. Am Heart J. 1999;138(3):430-436.
  3. Data on file at Surmodics, Inc.

Caution: Federal (US) law restricts the Pounce™ Thrombectomy System, the Pounce™ LP Thrombectomy System, the Pounce™ Venous Thrombectomy System, and the Sublime™ Radial Access Platform to sale by or on the order of a physician. Please refer to Instructions for Use for indications, contraindications, warnings, and precautions.